Tenby Harbour Users Association

Update November ’14 – Time for Action on Tenby Harbour – CLICK HERE

A Notice from the Tenby Harbour User’s Association

The purpose of this notice is to make you aware of possible changes in the running of Tenby Harbour and the affect this may have.

Tenby Harbour is owned and managed by the Local Authority, Pembrokeshire County Council.

Shortly the way in which the harbour is managed will be subject to a major review. The outcome of the review could result in a private enterprise taking over the running of the harbour.

THUA would oppose such a move. We strongly believe that Tenby harbour should be run by people who have at heart the interests of the harbour, its users and the town as a whole; people who will fight to preserve the character of the harbour for the benefit of its users, both residents and visitors.

That is not to say things should not change. We strongly advocate changes to improve the management of the harbour and the sensitive development of existing harbour assets. Much can be done without damaging its unique qualities.

We believe that Pembrokeshire County Council as the Harbour Authority should be replaced by a Harbour Board (a group of persons with authority) consisting of individuals with relevant skills. In line with government recommendations a considerable number of harbours in England and Wales have already adopted the Harbour Board model.

A Harbour Board would be a mix of elected councillors skilled in community development together with independent experts selected for their relevant knowledge of the marine industry, recreational sailing, environmental knowledge and business development.

A Harbour Board would be open, transparent and crucially, accountable.

The Harbour Board will take direction and input from a Harbour Advisory Committee which would consult with everyone who has an interest in Tenby Harbour, make regular reports to the Board and scrutinise the decisions of the Board. Their suggestions will be listened to and discussed in an open forum. We are working to present a strong case to Pembrokeshire County Council for the creation of this board.

We believe that the harbour is the single most important asset to the town of Tenby. Our aim is to protect it for the benefit of the town and users for generations to come.

We represent you and need your support, please join us and add your name to our collective voice.

Become an Associate Member of Tenby Harbour User’s Association

You can also become an associate member by liking our Facebook page. Click Here to visit the Facebook page now.

If you wish to become a full member the cost is £3, payable at the harbour café.

Thank you for your interest, THUA.